What are clear aligners?

Hina Imran
12 min readJun 23, 2022

Thinking about fixing a crooked smile? Gone are the days when unlimited trips to the dentists would be such a hassle. Unlimited appointments, X-rays and scans, and painful extractions have all become a forgotten story with the advent of clear aligners. Clear aligners such as Invisalign and the likes have taken over the dental market by storm as most people have made a smart move over to clear, transparent aligners, compared to the conventional types of braces, owing to their aesthetic quality of not getting noticed. Clear aligners work on the basic theory of applying pressure to control tooth movement. Its popularity has been witnessed by children and adults, as they are much less visible, removable, hassle-free, and extremely effective. You get a set of two trays, one for the top teeth and one for the lower ones. Many sets are issued which you have to replace fortnightly as part of your treatment plan.

Clear aligners VS Braces:

Compared to the traditional method of wiring and aligning the teeth, clear aligners have become a leading choice for many people seeking orthodontic and cosmetic dental treatments for several reasons. Their invisibility stands out amongst them as you no longer have to be conscious of the fact that something is prominent on your teeth. Aligners are inconspicuous and people rarely notice you have worn something. You no longer have to conceal that beautiful smile of yours for fear of being clicked in a photograph or a selfie with nasty-looking wires around your teeth. Clear aligners are risk-free as there are meager chances of your mouth being cut or injured because of the wires. Clear aligners cause way less discomfort than the conventional wired ones as they are customized and fit very close to the gum line. Having your favorite meal has never been this easy with conventional braces as they require a lot of restraints from junk food. Cleaning is such a hassle-free procedure with clear aligners as because of their removability they only need to be taken off and rinsed or cleaned with a soft-bristled brush whereas, with wired braces, you have to be very particular about brushing around the braces and reaching on to the teeth to avoid the accumulation of food remains and staining of teeth behind the wires.

Girl setting up her aligners

How do clear aligners work?

The first step to the aligner’s journey commences with an appointment with the orthodontist who conducts an evaluation and collects the records for bite relationship, tooth positions, and general history of the patient. The severity of the malocclusion is assessed and the plan is tailored accordingly. A series of scans and X-rays are carried out to create a virtual model of the teeth and further sets of aligners are made keeping into consideration the incremental changes. Multiple aligners are used for the process as one pair of aligners can bring about only 1 mm (or less) of change. Patients are given these sets of trays to use within a replaceable time duration. Doctors also fix small tooth-colored attachments to the teeth which resemble bumps. This ensures proper adherence to the aligners to the teeth.

Are clear aligners right for you?

Are you looking for Invisalign orthodontic treatment? Make sure you read this well before you sign up for one. Invisalign can fix many issues such as overbites, underbites, cross bites, open bites, crooked or teeth with gaps in between. Fore mostly, you do have to see a proper orthodontist who will chalk out your plan. Invisalign is a BPA-free plastic tray that has to be used for longer periods during the day to ensure maximum efficiency, most probably around 20 to 22 hours. Since they are made of clear material, you should avoid the use of sharp-colored food to prevent them from staining. Maintaining good oral hygiene is extremely crucial. You may find some alterations in your speech. People mostly complain of a slight lisp because of the aligners, which the mouth adjusts to with time. It becomes less noticeable and eventually disappears. You may also notice certain kinds of discomfort which is obvious as any ‘alien’ body takes time to adjust. However, this too shall pass out slowly but surely if you wear your aligners for a longer time. Clear aligners work in the same manner that metal braces do with alterations in the treatment process where the dentist will fix the metal braces for you and call you for follow-ups, in contrast to Invisalign which you can fix and remove on your own. The treatment course plan consists of a series of aligners that have to be changed roughly after 15 days or possibly more as advised by your dentist. Technically aligners work well if you have a little spacing between teeth or a couple of teeth that are here and there, out of your smile line. However, if you have too many crowded teeth or teeth with a lot of gaps, then aligners would not be a good option for you to bank on.

Are DIY aligners a viable option?

To ensure a treatment plan that’s friendly both on your pocket and teeth you need to work out the possible options, calculate the costing, research the pros and cons and find out the best workable solution. The in-home or DIY options are generic plastics, with not-so-effective results, that might probably have a risk of damage or breakage due to mishandling. Impressions are not made by professionals which might not be accurate. No proper scan is conducted, and hence no treatment layout is created by professionals who can measure step-by-step progression. Since it’s an at-home plan, there is no possible way to fix buttons or attachments for the proper fixture of the clients. The only incremental track that is kept (if there is any) is virtual, which does not leave any possibility for a one-to-one consultation with the orthodontist. The potential risk of generating dental issues increases as there is no monitoring that is a ritual with office-placed aligners where the treatment plan is inclusive and intensive as there is one-to-one interaction. Diy aligners may be a low-cost regime, but mishandling might sometimes cause permanent damages way more than the cost of the appliance itself.

Your complete guide to clean and clear aligners:

Although invisible aligners are a hassle-free option, they do however require cleanliness and maintenance. Here are your easy guidelines for crystal clear aligners:

  1. You can prevent odor and bad breath while using aligners by being very particular about your oral health. You must ensure that you floss your teeth every time you have a meal, probably even rinsing the mouth to ensure the area is clean. This not only prevents odor from accumulating but will also prevent the growth of cavities and other dental issues.
  2. Clean the aligners with a soft-bristled brush to avoid scratches and rinse them with water before you use them again. You could also use a mild anti-bacterial soap. Proper rinsing ensures no residues from the previous meal have been left which could encourage bacterial infection
  3. Avoid sharp-colored foods or flavored drinks especially when you have your aligners on. Liquids seep into little crevices and may be the cause of infections. Also, colored foods stain the appliance which makes it look ugly.
  4. Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash regularly before you fit back the appliance to ensure cleanliness and avoid bad breath which might occur with the usage of aligners if not taken care of.
  5. Never leave your aligners out in the open. Doing so could damage the appliance or promote the growth of bacteria from the surroundings. Use the storage trays given every time you remove the aligners to ensure their efficacy and life.
  6. Do not use toothpaste for cleaning the aligners. As much as timely and regular cleaning of the appliance is required, toothpaste or any sharp scenting medium might cause discoloration or cause the aligners to lose their sheen and gloss. A mixture of baking soda and water is a good DIY option for clean and clear aligners. baking soda is known for its anti-bacterial properties, and soaking the aligners in a teaspoon of baking soda and water will do wonders.
  7. Never clean your aligners with hot water. This might cause discoloration and damage the soft sensitive plastic material that is cautiously made to ensure a comfortable snug in your mouth.
Cleaning the aligners with soap and water

A quick guide to pain-free comfortable aligners:

  1. Over-the-counter medicines: Adjusting the body to a foreign object is a tedious task, especially in the beginning, you can easily opt for over-the-counter medication, analgesics, or painkillers till the pain subsides
  2. Night time is the right time: Try to switch on to the new aligners during the night, this gives the body ample time to adjust to the appliance for straight longer hours
  3. Cold packs and compressions: Using a cold pack or compression always helps soothe out the discomfort caused by aligners. The cold compress constricts the blood vessels hindering the blood circulation and eventually easing the pain. Cold soothing foods such as ice lollies and popsicles are real rescue heroes in such cases.
  4. Opt for a soft, easily chewable diet: Have a soft diet if you are experiencing discomfort. Additionally, you can also use Movemints to chew on and adjust the aligners in place. A small dab of dental wax placed between the sore areas of the jaw and the aligners can also help in minimizing the pain.
  5. Use an emery board: You might consider filing out the extra parts of the aligner that are sometimes the root cause of the pain. This can be done using an emery board and needs no technician to do the job..
  6. Avoid hard foods: Hard foods such as candies, carrot sticks, ice cubes, and foods of the likes are a total no-no. The gums are pretty sensitive at the time adjusting to the appliance. Look out for softer, easier-to-chew options that will be comfort food for you.
  7. Contact authorized representatives for help:

Feel free to contact your customer care officer or orthodontist if the pain persists even after taking all precautionary measures.

Hang on there! The route to a beautiful smile isn’t always a bed of roses. Your discomfort is short-lived and will subside in 2 to 3 days. The longer you use your aligners the sooner they become your friends. Wearing the aligners with longer duration gaps is like starting all over again from scratch. Always keep in mind that this little momentarily pain is leading you towards a permanent Keep in mind that this little momentarily pain leads to a straight and beautiful smile.

Does Invisalign hurt?

As much as conscious people are about their beauty, what bewilders them is if Invisalign would hurt. Comparatively, they are less painful than conventional braces. You may feel slight discomfort in adjusting to the new set of aligners, but it just goes away within a day or two. Attachments don’t hurt either. There is no procedure of injections or local anesthesia required which pretty much explains how bearable and painless it is. 54% of Invisalign users do claim to have experienced pain and discomfort which is mild and temporary that subsides with time

Invisalign process: What to expect?

Your future smile awaits you in a hassle-free, 5 easy steps:

Initial consultation with professional:

The first appointment with your dentist is one in which a proper history record is taken, along with X-rays to map out a road plan for the treatment. Besides, the dentist will also assess if Invisalign is a suitable option for you or not.

Designing the model:

The dentist then gathers impressions on the plaster of Paris or conducts a 3D scan to take into account the oral history and the dimensions of the teeth. Also, cases of underbite, overbite or crowded teeth are assessed here.

Fitting the trays:

Keeping into consideration your history the plastic sets of trays are made which will be given to you by the doctor, which should last up to your next appointment. Attachments are placed to ensure proper adjustments of the aligners. The dentist monitors the progression face to face after a couple of weeks and new sets of aligners are issued accordingly.

Wear your aligners on the go:

You are now free to enjoy the hassle-free experience of straight teeth, wearing your aligners for more than 20 hours in a day to see lasting desired results. So, wear out your way to a beautiful straighter smile.

How much time does an Invisalign require?

The good news is dentist follow-ups with Invisalign are hassle-free and not time-consuming either. After you have initiated the treatment, the dentist might just want to randomly scrutinize your oral health to rule out any decays or cavities. Also, they will monitor the step-by-step progression and impact of the Invisalign on your teeth. These visits might range from 4 to 6 weeks in general. What more? It could take a minimum span of 6 months for mild cases and up to 18 months depending on the severity of the case to see noticeable results. Saving on your time and giving you the ultimate results.

What can lengthen or shorten your treatment plan?

Invisalign functions on the ‘tooth movement’ theory. Technically the longer time it takes to move teeth the longer the aligners will have to stay on. It all depends on the complexity of the case. Several factors can either delay or speed up the entire process.

Adequate usage time:

Primarily time matters the most when it comes to yielding the best results. Time is the key element here. If the device is worn for 4 to 6 hours in a day, as compared to the prescribed duration of more than 20 hours, the results wouldn’t be satisfactory. So Yeah! Time here is value for your money.


The maxim ‘the sooner the better is a complete fit here. Children are more responsive to the treatment as compared to adults because they have soft bones. Adults on the other hand have a fully developed jaw structure and the bones normally become rigid over time. This means that there is a remarkable change, but the time duration for both may vary.

Dentist visits:

Timely dental visits not only picture out your oral well-being, but they also give a way forward for the dentist to make tweaking and adjustments if required. These visits if not conducted regularly may hinder the efficiency of the process.

Using damaged or broken aligners:

Aligners are made from polyurethane-based polymers which are sturdy and strong. This however does not make them any less vulnerable to damage or wear and tear. You will have to get a replacement for them which will require time and delay the plan for some time. At times, aligners get damaged and do not exert the pressure that is required for the movement. This can be assessed by the dentist who checks on progress regularly.

Maintain good oral hygiene:

Healthy teeth are a result of ideal oral health, if the overall hygiene is not maintained it is most likely the treatment would work effectively. The same can be linked to consuming excess sugar, which might complement the decaying process and delay the process

Choosing your provider:

A professional practitioner who has chalked out dimensions well is more likely to give you a service that will be most effective and pocket friendly.

What are the potential side effects of Invisalign?

Technology has evolved impeccably over the past few years, and with every advancement that came on to the face of the earth, it brought with its downsides too. Invisalign too has its share of side effects and to name a few some are :

  1. An alien object is no piece of cake for your body to adjust to. Invisalign can cause terrible discomfort to your gums, swelling, or irritation. Sometimes the gums become very sensitive due to prolonged wear-time
  2. Sensitive teeth might develop cracks or chip off because of the constant pressure that the Invisalign exerts
  3. Speech is affected in the initial days of the Invisalign because the trays are made of plastic, which hinders speech and a slight lisp is encountered. This eventually goes off with time, when the tongue gets used to its movement with the tray on.
  4. Bad breath: Halitosis or bad breath is a common problem encountered by most patients. Saliva is a natural disinfectant for the mouth, and the trays prevent the saliva from washing over the teeth. This is the reason you have emphasized to remove the trays whilst eating and cleaning them before wearing the appliance again.
  5. Not the right bite: biting is mostly a major issue patients have to adjust to and it might sometimes become painful to the extent that a soft diet is to be taken.
  6. Periodic headaches: headaches can be linked to aligners as they exert constant pressure on the teeth. Besides, movement of the teeth and their placement also is a painful affair at times
  7. Accidental cuts and cheek bites: Getting used to the Invisalign could take a lot of time. The tongue and the cheeks are most likely to get injured in the course as they conveniently come in between the teeth and the aligner trays. Nothing to worry about as it subsides when the mouth gets used to the appliance with time.

The takeaway:

Aligners are a breakthrough in the course of cosmetic dentistry. They have smartly outdone the conventional ways of rectifying crooked teeth, malocclusion, and the many cases of the wrong bite. Because the procedure is a little time taking, the masses do not mind the duration as far as it is discrete and effective. Mild cases on the whole have shown drastic results too in shorter spans, which is why more and more people are switching towards these invisible options. The turnover is a happy lot of clients who are looking forward to straight beautiful teeth. What are you waiting for? Choose Invisalign and flaunt that beautiful smile of yours. Invisalign is your straight solution to crooked teeth.

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Hina Imran
Hina Imran

Written by Hina Imran


Freelancer, Blog post writer, copywriter

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